Fuddles Running Track Building Phase

Join for the art. Stay for the community. 🤝

In this page we'll introduce our Running Track Building Phase within the Fuddleland metaverse. In this pivotal stage, we aim to bring our community's competetive energies to the forefront.

Here's how it works:

  1. Community Collaboration: We'll invite our community members to contribute ideas, designs, and concepts for the running track. It's a collective effort, ensuring diverse perspectives and creative input.

  2. Metaverse Engagement: Users will actively participate in the track's development and activities. It's a space for social interaction, events, and metaverse rewards, making it an integral part of our metaverse presence.

With the Running Track Building Phase, we're not only shaping an immersive metaverse experience but also reinforcing our commitment to infusing joy and creativity into the NFT world. This phase sets the stage for a vibrant and engaging community-driven metaverse within Fuddleland.

Last updated